Verification Certificates

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Victoria International College Online Verification System

Enter Certificate Number :
Student ID :
Student Name :
Trainer Name :
Passing Year :
Degree :
Specialty :
Nationality :
National ID/Passport :
Date of Birth :
Accredited Date :
Contacting Validate :

All Victoria International College programs in the UK and all certificates issued without exception receive the highest level of international accreditation and certification of UK certificates of accreditation countries and full certifications so the learner is regionally and internationally accredited in over 140 countries the world .

Receive all educational programs carried out bye the Victoria international College and all certificates it issue without any exception, the highest level of international accreditation and approvals for certificates issued from the united kingdom represented in the international accreditation and full approvals from the following:
✓Authentication by the General Registrar of certificates in the UK.
✓Authentication by the UK Government Legal Notification Office.
✓Ratification of Her Majesty’s Representative in the UK Government.
✓Approval of the International Accreditation Section of the British Foreign Office.
✓Approval of the International Accreditation Section at the Embassy of the student’s country in London.